LASIK surgery can significantly impact your life, and it is a good idea to know what to expect before you get it done. There is a lot to think about so you can plan accordingly to get your surgery done with minimal impact on your regular routine.
Get to Know Your Surgeon
Before you opt for LASIK, you will want to research various surgeons who perform LASIK. Read reviews and verify that your insurance covers your surgeon to get the maximum benefit coverage. Ask about experience, too, as surgeons with more experience are likely to be well-versed in any potential complications that might exist. Understand that perfect vision is not a guarantee, so if a doctor promises perfect 20/20 vision, keep looking for a different doctor.
Follow the Instructions
Before LASIK, you will receive a set of instructions. You must follow everything exactly as written to avoid any complications. These instructions typically include not wearing contacts for a specified amount of time and avoiding makeup before and after surgery. You cannot wear contacts for up to three weeks before surgery because contacts slightly modify the shape of your eye’s cornea. Your eyes need time to readjust to their original shape before undergoing surgery. Makeup is strongly discouraged after surgery to prevent infection to your eyes until they are healed.
LASIK Is an Outpatient Procedure
Understand that you will be awake the entire time that you undergo LASIK surgery. It is an outpatient procedure, and the doctor will numb your eyes with anesthetic drops to prepare your eye for the surgery. Assuming you followed the instructions, complications are minimal to non-existent for most patients. They will not take too long to complete.
You Might Need Additional Surgery
If your eyesight is particularly bad, you may need additional procedures. Severely nearsighted people often need additional work to reach their optimum vision because their eyes are more misshapen than those with less severe myopia. It is also possible that you might not be a good candidate if you have an extreme level of nearsightedness.
You May Not Be a Good Candidate
Most people are good candidates for LASIK, but there are certain conditions where LASIK is not recommended. For example, if you have dry eye syndrome, you would be considered at-risk for delayed healing, increased discomfort, and even worse dry eye symptoms. You would have to discuss your conditions with your doctor to make sure you are a good candidate. Seek alternative options if you are not.
Vision or Health Must Be Stable
If your lens prescriptions fluctuate too often, your doctor will tell you it needs to be stable for at least a year before considering LASIK. Because the results are permanent, your vision should be stable before you undergo surgery. Health is the same way. If you have uncontrolled diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, or various other health issues, you may need to wait until you can get your health stable.
Please book an appointment or consultation with Abraham Eye Associates at our offices in Villanova and Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. Contact us or schedule an appointment directly to pick a day or time that works for you.