Your eyes are among the most delicate organs in your body. Most people tend to overlook their care, which sometimes leads to visual impairment. The need for regular eye exams goes beyond making sure that you do not have blurry vision. Regular eye exams are just as vital as general health maintenance for both kids and adults. They can help detect eye issues before it is too late. Some reasons why you should do this are:
To Detect Glaucoma
This is among the most serious eye diseases that are difficult to detect. This is because glaucoma has no obvious symptoms, especially in its early stages. The problem is that you may not realize that you have it until your vision is irreversibly ill. By this time, it is difficult to control the disease from inflicting further damage to your eyes.
The disease may lead to permanent loss of eyesight if you do not get treatment or undergo surgery. Regular eye exams can help detect risk factors, including high eye pressure, early enough. Vision screenings do not help early detection of glaucoma.
Eye Alignment
Your eyes may not work in unison like other people, with one of your eyes focusing differently from the other. Your eyes’ ability to change focus comes from the reactions of many tiny muscles. Not working in unison can cause undue strain on the nerves and muscles of your eyes. Whatever the case, you may start experiencing blurry vision and headaches, among other symptoms. With regular eye exams, your ophthalmologist can treat these symptoms before it is too late.
Aging Eye Issues
Like any other organ in your body, your eyes deteriorate with age. As you age, you may start getting some illnesses. These include cataracts, presbyopia, and macular degeneration. The diseases can have an impact on your vision and your daily routines. Some of these ailments are an inconvenience, while others have serious consequences. They can lead to dependence and loss of vision if you do not seek treatment.
For these reasons, it is essential to have regular eye exams as you progress in age. The exams keep you aware of any fluctuations in the health of your eyes. Your ophthalmologist can inform you of risk factors, especially concerning your family’s visual medical history.
Eye Exams Vs. Visual Screening
It is crucial to realize the big difference between getting an eye exam and a vision screening. A vision screening is a simple test that shows you whether you require further assessment due to your visual impairment. It only checks your vision and not the health of your eyes. Anyone can perform this test on you.
For an eye exam, you must book an appointment with an eye doctor. It requires equipment and knowledge on how to check your eyes and vision well-being. An eye exam can also detect symptoms of other diseases that a vision screening cannot.
Many ophthalmologists will recommend a certain number of visits for an eye examination, depending on your age. The frequency of the eye exams increases as you age to enable the doctor to detect any vision issues before they get out of hand.
To know more about regular eye exams, visit Abraham Eye Associates at our office in Villanova, Pennsylvania. You can also call (484) 209-0800 to book an appointment today.