Top Ways for College Students to Protect Their Eyes

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As a college student, you probably have a lot on your mind. From exams to classes to projects, you might not spend much time thinking about your health. You may eat unhealthy snacks and get too little sleep. But some studies have found that one of the biggest threats to your health may be that of your eyes. Let’s look at a few ways you can protect your eye health.


Have a Good Setup

As a college student, you are surrounded by technology all day. Whether you’re reading an electronic textbook or writing a paper, you spend much of your study time in front of a computer. By setting up your device properly, you can reduce the amount of blue light entering your eyes.

It is a good idea to tile your monitor upward slightly while sitting arm’s length away from the computer. Your screens shouldn’t be too bright or too dark. Most computers and phones have settings to make the color more yellow or orange than blue. It’s also a good idea to work in a room that has a lot of natural light.


Take Frequent Breaks

If you’re using technology for an extended period, you will want to take breaks. A good rule is that for every 20 minutes you use your computer, you should spend 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away. This break can help your eyes feel more refreshed.

Another way to protect your eyes is by taking a 10-minute break every hour. You can use this time to step away from technology for a bit. Walk around, step outside, or grab a snack during this time.


Use Blue Light Glasses

One study found that exposure to blue light can cause chronic damage to your eyes over the long term. It causes the photosensitive cells in your eyes to deteriorate. The good news is that you can purchase lenses that will filter out blue light from your screens. This can prevent the cells in your eyes from breaking down from exposure to blue light.


Get Regular Eye Exams

Even with the best eye care, it’s still a good idea for you to get a regular eye exam. This is the most important way for you to protect your eyes. Technology is used by Americans more than ever, and it comes with risks to your eye health. According to the American Optometric Association, technology can raise your risk of getting macular degeneration (AMD). You should plan on having an exam about once a year, but your eye doctor can give you a recommendation based on your health.


Scheduling an eye exam when you are home on breaks is an easy way to protect your eyes. If you have noticed symptoms such as red, painful, or watery eyes, it’s a good idea to schedule an exam now. You can make an appointment at Abraham Eye Associates by calling us at (484) 209-0800. We can give you more tips on maintaining eye health.

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