Rejuvenate the eye area and treat dry eye with IPL

IPL Photofacial dry eye rejuvenation facial intense pulsed light therapy

IPL or intense pulsed light is a cosmetic therapy that significantly enhances your overall appearance. It uses different light wavelengths to improve the color and texture of your skin. It is of great value in reducing sun damage and rosacea. IPL offers a safe and effective way to revitalize and restore your skin. It makes it glow and look youthful.


Why Choose the Therapy?

IPL is non-invasive. Thus, there is no downtime—you do not have to take time off your busy schedule for healing. You can be in and out of the doctor’s office in 20 to 30 minutes. The device uses multiple pulsating wavelengths of light to heat the damaged skin cells. It breaks them down, and the body removes them through its natural processes.


Am I a Good Candidate?

Specialists perform IPL on the face, chest, neck, hands, and arms. These areas get frequent exposure to the sun, so they experience more damage to the skin. To determine your candidacy, the specialist will start with a consultation at Abraham Eye Associates. They will want to know about your current skin concerns and aesthetic goals. They will also want to find out if you have any skincare habits.

They may recommend IPL or another means of treatment depending on the results from the consultation. IPL will deal with the symptoms of aging and any abnormal pigmentation. So, who is a good candidate for the procedure?


People With Fair Skin

IPL works best on pale or light brown skin. The reason is that the treatment does not distinguish between normal and abnormal pigmentation in dark and olive skin tones. However, there may be an alternative method to help these patients with their skin.


No Recent Sunburns or Tanning

Such patients do not make good candidates because the device does not distinguish between normal and abnormal cells. Sunburns and tanning distract the light, causing absorption of more heat into the area, risking burns. It will also add inflammation and irritation to the skin with sunburns. So, make sure you do not have any of the two—sunburns or tanning.



Rosacea causes redness on your forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. It can also cause blood vessels to show through your skin. The severity of your condition will depend on the severity of your situation. However, IPL can get rid of up to 75 percent of broken vessels. It works best if you are below 40 years old and have mild to moderate rosacea.


Sun Damage

Sun damage is one of the common reasons why people seek IPL. It leaves you with red or brown mottled pigmentation. IPL can deal with up to 70 percent of this.


Signs of Aging

IPL can deal with age spots and wrinkles. The treatment penetrates deep down into the second layer of the skin and stimulates collagen growth. Collagen reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


For more information on IPL, visit Abraham Eye Associates at our offices in Villanova and Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
(2nd/4th per month)

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