Dry Eye Treatments

dry eye Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates Optometrist eye exam

Dry Eye Overview

Dry eye can have a major impact on your quality of life. Because dry eye is a multifactorial condition, there are various causes and risk factors. Our Optometrists are dry eye specialists and work closely with each of our patients to diagnose and tailor treatment plans to address individual needs. From simple self-care to innovative prescriptions and therapies our goal is to help you see clearly and comfortably.

dry eye low level light therapy domputer vision syndrome

Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level light therapy for dry eye involves exposing the eyes to specific wavelengths of light, typically in the red or near-infrared spectrum. This non-invasive treatment aims to stimulate cellular activity in the eyes, promoting the production of tears and reducing inflammation. The light penetrates the skin and reaches the cells of the eyelids and the surface of the eyes, where it helps improve the function of the meibomian glands and increases tear production. This therapy is often used as a complementary treatment alongside other dry eye management strategies to alleviate symptoms and improve overall eye health.

IPL Photofacial dry eye rejuvenation facial intense pulsed light therapy

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is an innovative approach to treating dry eye by targeting inflammation and dysfunction of the Meibomian glands. This non-invasive procedure delivers broad-spectrum light pulses to the skin surrounding the eyes, penetrating deep into the tissue to stimulate blood flow and decrease inflammation. IPL therapy also helps unclog and restore function to the Meibomian glands, which are crucial for producing the lipid layer of tears. By addressing these underlying factors, IPL therapy can effectively alleviate dry eye symptoms such as discomfort, redness, and blurry vision, offering long-term relief and improving overall ocular health and comfort.

tear care dry eye optometrist Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates

Tear Care

TearCare is a software-controlled, wearable eyelid technology for dry eye patients who have dryness as a result of Meibomian Gland Disorder (MGD). MGD is blockage or some form of dysfunction of the meibomian glands. The Meibomian glands are located along the rims of the eyelid. They produce meibum, an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye’s tear film. TearCare works by applying localized heat to the eyelids. The heat will loosen up the blocked and glands and allow the doctor to express them. This procedure is unique because it provides patients with a personalized open-eye experience.

RF radiofrequency therapy dry eye optometrist Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates

Radiofrequency Therapy (RF)

Radiofrequency Therapy (RF) offers a safe and efficient in-office solution for addressing dry eyes. By gently raising skin temperature, RF induces heat, which triggers collagen production. This treatment aids in liquefying thick oil secretions, unclogging the meibomian gland, enhancing tear quality, and diminishing inflammation around the eyes associated with dryness.

scleral lenses contact lenses dry eye Optometrist Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates

Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses are large, gas-permeable contact lenses that rest on the sclera, covering the entire cornea and creating a reservoir of saline solution between the lens and the eye's surface. This reservoir helps maintain moisture, providing relief for dry eye sufferers by keeping the ocular surface lubricated throughout the day. Scleral lenses also protect the cornea from environmental irritants and reduce friction during blinking, alleviating discomfort associated with dry eye. Additionally, their customizable design allows for tailored fit and optimal vision correction. As a result, scleral lenses offer effective and long-lasting treatment for moderate to severe dry eye symptoms, enhancing ocular comfort and visual quality.

Bruder mask dry eye Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates Optometrist

Punctal Plugs

Punctal plugs are tiny, biocompatible devices inserted into the tear ducts to manage dry eye by blocking the drainage of tears from the eye's surface. By retaining natural tears, punctal plugs increase ocular moisture, alleviating symptoms such as itching, burning, and irritation. These plugs come in various materials, sizes, and designs, allowing for personalized treatment based on individual needs. Temporary plugs are often dissolvable, while permanent plugs offer longer-term relief. Punctal plugs are minimally invasive and reversible, making them a popular option for those seeking non-pharmaceutical alternatives to manage dry eye effectively and improve overall ocular comfort and health.

bruder mask dry eye Optometrist Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates

Bruder Mask

The Bruder mask is a therapeutic device designed to alleviate dry eye symptoms through gentle, consistent heat therapy. By applying low-level heat to the eyelids, the mask helps to liquefy and release the natural oils in the Meibomian glands, improving the quality of tears and relieving discomfort associated with dry eyes. The controlled heat also aids in increasing blood circulation around the eyes, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. Regular use of the Bruder mask can enhance tear film stability, alleviate symptoms such as itching and burning, and provide lasting relief for individuals suffering from dry eye syndrome, improving overall ocular health and comfort.

nutraceuticals dry eye Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates Optometrist


Nutraceuticals for dry eye offer a holistic approach to managing symptoms by incorporating nutritional supplements that target underlying causes. These supplements typically include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and D, as well as antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. By promoting ocular health and reducing inflammation, nutraceuticals can alleviate dry eye discomfort and improve tear film stability. Additionally, they may enhance meibomian gland function and tear production. Nutraceuticals provide a natural and complementary treatment option for individuals with dry eyes, supporting overall eye health and potentially reducing reliance on traditional therapies like artificial tears or prescription medications.

eye drops dry eye Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates Optometrist

Pharmacological Agents

Pharmacological treatments for dry eye encompass a range of prescription medications designed to alleviate symptoms and address underlying causes. These medications include artificial tears, which provide immediate relief by lubricating the eyes, and anti-inflammatory eye drops such as corticosteroids and cyclosporine, which help reduce inflammation and improve tear production. Additionally, lifitegrast and diquafosol are approved for managing dry eye symptoms by targeting specific inflammatory pathways and promoting tear secretion. By targeting different aspects of the dry eye condition, pharmacological interventions offer personalized approaches to symptom management, aiming to enhance comfort and maintain ocular surface health for individuals with dry eyes.

Autologous serum eye drops dry eye Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates Optometrist

Autologous Serum Drops

Autologous serum eye drops are an individualized treatment for dry eye made from the patient's own blood serum. Blood is drawn, processed, and diluted with a sterile saline solution to create eye drops. These drops contain essential nutrients, growth factors, and antibodies naturally found in blood serum, which help nourish and protect the surface of the eye. Autologous serum eye drops mimic natural tears more closely than artificial tears, providing long-lasting relief for severe dry eye symptoms. This treatment is often recommended for patients who have not responded to other therapies or who have ocular surface diseases.

dry eye artificial tears Optometrist Aegis by Abraham Eye Associates

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are a cornerstone of dry eye management, providing immediate relief by supplementing natural tear production and lubricating the ocular surface. These over-the-counter solutions come in various formulations, including those with viscosity-enhancing agents or preservatives. They work by mimicking the composition of natural tears, providing moisture and lubrication to alleviate dryness, discomfort, and irritation. Some advanced formulations also contain electrolytes to support ocular surface health and stability. While artificial tears offer temporary relief, frequent use may be necessary for chronic dry eye sufferers. They serve as a safe and accessible option to manage dry eye symptoms and improve overall ocular comfort.

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Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
(2nd/4th per month)

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